
The mission of Citizens for Lower Electric Rates is to inform the people of Florida and our state’s policy makers about energy-related issues, and to advocate for policies and governmental decisions that will lead to retail electric rates that are as low as possible while ensuring safe and reliable service.

Since the state’s largest utility, FPL, is currently seeking what would be the biggest electric rate increase in Florida history, this website currently focuses on FPL and its proposed rate increase.

View Proposed Rate Increases


The mission of Citizens for Lower Electric Rates is to inform the people of Florida and our state’s policy makers about energy-related issues, and advocate for policies and governmental decisions that will lead to retail electric rates that are as low as possible while ensuring safe and reliable service.

Since the state’s largest utility, FPL, is currently seeking what would be the biggest electric rate increase in Florida history, this website currently focuses on FPL and its proposed rate increase.

View Proposed Rate Increases

Proposed FPL Rate Increase

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that “the FPL proposal will raise electric bills 18% by 2025.

Totalling $6.2 billion over the first four years, this is the biggest proposed electric rate increase in Florida history.

FPL’s proposed rate increase would make their financial return at least 20% higher than the comparable rates approved in 2020 by utility regulators in other states across America.

In addition to hurting homeowners and renters, FPL’s massive rate increase would harm small businesses by diverting money that consumers spend at local establishments to pay higher rates to FPL.

Raising electric rates in the wake of COVID will place a terrible burden on families and businesses who are struggling to get by.

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How FPL gets what it wants

Simple. Money.

FPL pumps millions of dollars into political campaigns and retains an army of lobbyists to influence outcomes in Tallahassee.

Millions into political campaigns.

More profits = more lobbyists = even more profits…


Massive Political Spending

FPL and its parent company, NextEra, spend millions on political contributions and lobbyists. According to the Energy and Policy Institute, "NextEra’s political spending is the largest among utilities. It ranks near the bottom in disclosing many types of political spending, including on 501(c)(4) groups.

Energy and Policy Institute. Sept 2020

“FPL spends millions on lobbying in Tallahassee.  The result can affect your electric bill.”  South Florida Sun Sentinel, Nov. 22, 2019

Proposed FPL Rate Increase

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that “the FPL proposal will raise electric bills 18% by 2025.

Totalling $6.2 billion over the first four years, this is the biggest proposed electric rate increase in Florida history.

FPL’s proposed rate increase would make their financial return at least 20% higher than the comparable rates approved in 2020 by utility regulators in other states across America.

In addition to hurting homeowners and renters, FPL’s massive rate increase would harm small businesses by diverting money that consumers spend at local establishments to pay higher rates to FPL.

Raising electric rates in the wake of COVID will place a terrible burden on families and businesses who are struggling to get by.

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How FPL gets what it wants

Simple. Money.

FPL pumps millions of dollars into political campaigns and retains an army of lobbyists to influence outcomes in Tallahassee.

Millions into political campaigns.

More profits = more lobbyists = even more profits…


Massive Political Spending

FPL and its parent company, NextEra, spend millions on political contributions and lobbyists. According to the Energy and Policy Institute, "NextEra’s political spending is the largest among utilities. It ranks near the bottom in disclosing many types of political spending, including on 501(c)(4) groups.

Energy and Policy Institute. Sept 2020

“FPL spends millions on lobbying in Tallahassee.  The result can affect your electric bill.”  South Florida Sun Sentinel, Nov. 22, 2019

When FPL comes to town

FPL and its parent company are on a binge – using their financial muscle – provided courtesy of the profits they derive from Florida electric customers, to try to buy out other state and local utilities. See for yourself the results of their most recent attempt to buy a local utility in Jacksonville, and the scandal that followed.

See What Happened

Not Your Parents’ FPL

FPL is not your parents’ electric company. It is now a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, one of the largest energy companies in the United States with facilities in 32 states and Canada.

The company’s CEO is one of the highest paid energy executives in America

FPL was the only Florida utility that kept the entire proceeds from recent federal corporate tax breaks, not sharing any with its customers, like all other Florida utilities did.

Join the fight against the biggest electric rate increase in Florida history

Have your voice heard. Fill out a membership form to join Floridians Against Increased Rates, Inc. (FAIR) so that FAIR can represent you as it argues before the PSC to reject this enormous, staggering, unconscionable increase. There’s strength in numbers, so join today by clicking this link and filling out the online membership form!